After The Fall Cider Member

After The Fall Cider was founded by 2nd generation orchardist, Maria Kretschmann, with a fruit first approach to cider making. Inspired by the similarities between art and farming, Maria has been enraptured by the magic of the orchard. In her eyes, being an orchardist and cider maker is akin to being the sculptor that she is, only in an entirely different medium. Nature and creating along a continuum to produce more than just fruit to squeeze, blend, ferment and bottle. Each step from pruning to bottling becomes a bit of her nature and her work. She is transforming the old non-producing varieties in the orchard, into cider apple trees, giving new life built on the old growth. And the cycle continues...


A pair of farmers dedicated to the land, and passionate about sustainable organic farming, Maria's parents, Don and Becky, planted a hillside orchard on their farm in the 1980's. Little was known about growing organic fruit in the Eastern U.S. at the time.  So the apple harvest was dedicated to making fresh cider. This resilient farm ecosystem encouraged Mother Nature's most flavorful fruit with minimal interference. The Kretschmanns  believe in nourishing life everywhere possible, fertilizing most heavily with the farmers footsteps. Another block of apples was added in 1996 and yet another in 2006.  As Maria chooses varieties she desires for cider, a fourth planting is planned for next summer, assuring the continuing circle.

257 Zeigler Road
Rochester, PA