Driftwood Wine Cellars

“If you grew up with my brothers, you’d understand…” our vintner would say when people asked how he got into making wine. But what started as a hobby has turned into a passion for making great tasting unpretentious and fun wine. Like many people that live in the country we love to try new things and see what happens. But like the air fryer or instant pot we no longer use (and glam metal) some things sound better in our heads. Instead, we’ve learned to trust our farmers to take the best local varieties to the next level with a bit of fun and see where that road leads. Not content to just satisfy our palate’s varietals locally though we source varietals from far reaching grape regions around the world. Creating unique blends that are sure to spark your imagination and enhance your appreciation for great local wines. So, sit back and relax with a glass and let our wines take your senses through a new memorable experience or harken back a memory from goods times you want to have again. Our goal is to create a place close to home where you can escape the daily grind and enjoy our unique wines in a comfortable setting with friends and family. So, check out our new tasting room in Downtown North East with as many friends as you want to bring or make there. We’re happy to help you make all the Pour Decisions you can handle! See you soon.

20 E. Main Street
North East, PA