Flickerwood Wine Cellars

Flickerwood Wine Cellars, The Wine that Rocks, has been serving award winning wines since 2000.: Our wine list includes: dry red wines to sweet white wines to French Hybrids to crisp semi - sweet wines and includes a variety of specialty wines. We love wine and we love rock and roll. Our dad, Ron, the original FWC wine maker is the best drummer in the state. He has been playing drums since he was 12 years old and his current band will rock once a month as the house band at our winery. Our brother, Rick, the current FWC wine maker, is a rock star in his own mind. He is a lead singer in a rock band and can play the drums with the same rocking sound as our father. Our wine is made with high quality fruit and ingredients, and it is filled with rock and roll. When you visit one of our locations not only will you have award winning wines, but you might be entertained by one of our family members or family friends. Our philosophy about wine is that it is just that, wine. For centuries it has been enjoyed by peasants and farmers to emperors and kings/queens. Our wine is made with extremely high standards and we want you to stop in one of our locations and sample it. We will find a wine that meets your needs and likes. So if you love wine, or you love rock and roll or you like both; stop in and taste the fruits of our labor. Become a member of the Flickerwood Wine Cellars family, who like to wine and rock and roll.
Kane, PA