Ironstone Meadery

Welcome to Ironstone, Erie Pennsylvania's Oldest Meadery. Here, we strive to offer only The Best handcrafted, slow-fermented meads flavored with ONLY natural, top quality fruits, spices and botanicals. Many of our meads take 6 months to a year to make, and you'll immediately notice it in the smoothness, the unique flavors as well as the ease of enjoying the drink.

What is Mead you may be asking yourself....Mead is made by fermenting the sugars in honey. it is THE oldest alcoholic drink man has created predating beer by thousands of years.

The ancient egyptians made it but it is widely known through the sagas and history of the Old Norse (vikings).

Here at Ironstone, our meads are SLOW fermented, the Quicky and other session meads are a 2 month fermentation while the bulk of our finer meads take 6 month to a year to make...Paitence is not ONLY a virtue here, it's a rule of Law at Ironstone. We believe that QUALITY is the utmost importance in life, be it time with friends and family, work, food and DEFINITELY of drink.

ALL of our meads are not only made with 100% real honey (much of your store bought junk is cut with corn syrup), but when we flavor them, we use ACTUAL ORGANIC FRUITS AND BOTANICALS.

We DO NOT use anything artificial in our products whatsoever.

We also have our own extraction and infusion method (I've done herbalism, and made my own herbal/natural medicines for 30+ years) which takes 4-6 weeks and is labor intensive to ensure that you are receiving the full flavor, quality and smoothness that can be enjoyed in OUR meads.

Mead has been a passion of mine (Rich here) since 2005, and from day 1 I have strived to provide myself with the best drink I could make bc well, I want the best that I can make. and it's in that belief that I also expect to give all of YOU the best as well.

So kick back, place your order (or if you're in the area come visit us) and get ready to fill your horn or drinking vessel to prepare for a taste adventure like no other.

9333 Tate Road
Erie, PA